A2 Media studies Production Portfolio
Brief Of What Are Task Is:
For are A2 level practical coursework, we are given the task of a choosing a detailed brief from a menu of 10 different options.Each option gives a main task and a choice of three supplementary tasks.
There are a range of different briefs that have a opportunity to exsplore different styles and genres of moving image ranging from Movie Trailers to Music Videos. The main factor that remains the same with each brief is the fact you have to carry out a Moving Image piece of some kind of Genre as well as the supplementary task.
Brief We Chosen:
I have chosen the brief of creating a ''new documentary TV program'' which has to last approximately five minutes.The supplementary task that i have chosen to carry out are a radio trailer for the documentary as well as a double page spread from a listing magazine on the Documentary.
I have chosen this brief instead of the other briefs because i want to explore a more reality life like moving image piece in comparison to the other briefs that involvefictional film content.For AS level i carry out a moving image piece in the genre of action, so i want to explore different genre and styles.
- An extract from a new documentary TV program,lasting approximately five minutes,together with two of the following three options:
- a radio trailer for the documentary:
- a double-page spread from a listing magazine focused on the documentary:
- a newspaper advertisement for the documentary.
I have chosen to work in a group as a pair with a student called Stuart Rush.I feel that being in a pair will allow us to create a fullfilled piece of work that has every elment that is needed to achieve are best protental.We made the choice to carry out this brief as we both have a intrest in this genre and feel we can produce a realist piece of work.
Reason Why I choose this brief :
I have a great interest in watching and reading about reality Media due to the fact you can get a really good sense of what the production is trying to achieve and portray to the audience.When you watch a documentary TV program you can see the reality in the content you are viewing.I like the way simple camera angles and skills are used to create a documentary feel the the product,for example the way you see interviews and action shots of what the focus of the program is builds the suspense of the content is very feel because the shots are not perfect and you have hand held shots within the work.

Task That We Will Fulfill:
Within this brief i want to develop and construct a in depth life like realist 5 minutes of a extract of a Documentary conveying the attitudes and styles of disability.I want to show the life and reality of a given topic.
Hopes And Targets For This Project:
From a group point of view are main ambition is to create a Product/Documtry that altumly produces a very believeable final outcome and fulfills its purpose of repesenting the issue that we finally deside to repesent.
From a Peronal point of view my main goal is to creat a documentry that i would want to watch and actual a visul repestastion of a issue that is close to me.The best way for me to create a realist documetry is by repesenting a issue that i have knoledge about.Also the actual style of the way a documentry produced for example camera angles and editing to create a atmoshepere that fits the issues in the documentry.I think the main challenge will be editing the footage to a standard that could compet with a 21st centry documentrys that a viewer would want to watch.
Factors Of Docmentry That Make Them Recgineable To The Viewer:
The link below is a video i found that i feel is of great help and identifes the factors of which I should be aiming for and is a insight to the types of typical adsects of what i should be incuding behind my thinking towards my product.It exsplains the different elements of the way a documentry is built up, inculding factors such as modes,meaning and the way to put your point across to the audience,this video is of great relevents.