Media Title Screen Construction - Channel 4 Logo:
One of are key reseach sources was channel 4 productions as they have fantasic examples of exisiting docuemntarys.Due to the amount we used channel 4 for examples we wanted to base are production around the idea that it was based on a channel 4 production type.Also having a realistic title logo screen at the start of the clips is a small factor that just brings the whole visal exspecance alive.For example with the start of Films a trade mark for any film is having the distrubers logo at the start of the film.
We carryed out a range of reseach and planning/testing to create a apprate theme of fonts colours etc.Below is every element of the construction of producing are opening title screen.We knew we wanted to produce are own example of a opening logo but using a influenetal distrubers name.
Colours And Fonts Used - Flat Plan Of Key Elements Of Logo Screen:
Below are the two main elements that make up the title screen.We tryed a altitive of two main colours which were green and orange.The reasons we tryed with this colours as accouding to channels 4 reseach into respesntion of disability in documentary these are to two colours to present this feeling within a media product.
Theses are the two examples of are title in the two key colours.We finally choose Orange as a consistant theme.
Here is the examples of the master Channel 4 logo and title font that we constructer through the software of Abobe Photoshop.We used the orginal channel 4 fonts and logos as a referance but we re created the shapes on Abobe photoshop.We created the two key elements on a white back ground as this allowed us to put the JPEG format file into Abobe after effects to over lap a animation to enhance the theme that you would exspect to see in existing docuemntary.

Below is the example of the whole title screen constructed using the theme of green.We wanted to enhance the size of the 4 logo in a reconisable style.
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