Photos Of iconic Images Associated with Adams Life:
Below is the images we choose and constructed in a collage to present factors of Adams life to re enforce what characters are saying in the documentary.For example the audience witness Stuart Rush(Adams brother) saying when they were born and when they were diagnosed with the disability.This piece of footage is then followed by still images of Adam as a baby and child which presents Adam as a vulnerable child that struggle and makes the audience have sympathy towards his case of issues.
Examples Of Adams Photograpghy And Art Work:
We wanted to present Adam as having a successful side to his life that consisted of art and photography as this would present hope and a future for him.We used examples of A section of A Level art and photography work.We scanned in the work and saved the images as JPEG files and then created collage's using Abobe Photoshop.The end result was successful with the addition of a white background the images have real presents working as a clip

Above Is Adams Art And Photograpghy Work:
Below Is Adam And Stuart As a Baby And Children:
The images included below are of Adam and Stuart ranging across a number of years prsent a timeline to the auience.
Below is the images we choose and constructed in a collage to present factors of Adams life to re enforce what characters are saying in the documentary.For example the audience witness Stuart Rush(Adams brother) saying when they were born and when they were diagnosed with the disability.This piece of footage is then followed by still images of Adam as a baby and child which presents Adam as a vulnerable child that struggle and makes the audience have sympathy towards his case of issues.
Examples Of Adams Photograpghy And Art Work:
We wanted to present Adam as having a successful side to his life that consisted of art and photography as this would present hope and a future for him.We used examples of A section of A Level art and photography work.We scanned in the work and saved the images as JPEG files and then created collage's using Abobe Photoshop.The end result was successful with the addition of a white background the images have real presents working as a clip

Above Is Adams Art And Photograpghy Work:
Below Is Adam And Stuart As a Baby And Children:
The images included below are of Adam and Stuart ranging across a number of years prsent a timeline to the auience.

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