As part of are ancillary task we had to carry out two supplementary smaller tasks that aid and support the main moving image task.We choose to construct a Double page spread From a TV listing magazine and a radio edit advertisement to present are production to the audience in a consistent way using good continuity through using a strong house style through out, for example a consistent colour,font image scheme.The idea was to create two supporting tasks that would clearly be matched to are main documentary.
Success's ?
Below is are final constructed Double Page interpretation of a TV listing advertisement.We feel that the house style and genre used does a successful job of matching with the rest of are production.
Final Double Page Spread:

When taking into consideration every element including research planning and making the product we created using still image software has been a major success.As you can see Adam Rush the main character With the disability.The main center image works well due to the fact Adam is holding a camera, the ideology behind this is Adam doesn't want the camera focusing on him.This sense is created through the emotion showed on Adam face of dismay also he's holding the camera at arms length.The colour and fonts used match themes from a documentary and match the channel 4 logo colours,the reason for this is that a consistent theme is constructed showing the audience all three products are linked.Channel 4 logo used through out to present the distributor.The actual content of information in a writing format is presented in a brief statement of intent.This works well for its purpose as it gives the aliquot amount of information but leaves questions un answered.
Alternative Image That May Have Been Used:
Below is two examples of other images that we could have potently used to presetn Adam in a still image format.There are reasons for why we didn't use each image.We wanted to Do a photo shot that had a range of different connotations to the audience.
This image is a slightly different version of the final image we used.The main ideology behind this image is different to alternative images we took.We looked at a different representation of presenting Adam as wanting people to look at him and see what he has to deal with.By him looking straight at the camera holding it at arms length it presents the idea that he's filming himself,presenting his issues to the audience.
Double Page Spread Template - Master Draft Before Final Edit:
Below is the final draft that we created before adding text..All the colours images remain the same in the final edit,just with the addition of Writing content.
Below is a example of using alternative Images with the original consistent house styles.We regarded this attempt as being suitable but doesn't produce the same ideology that the image of Adam face on.We faded out the image to try a different style with the image but found it wasn't suitable to tie in with are production theme.
In order to produce a double page spread the first thing we did was carried out planning of the types of layouts we thought would best represent Adam and are documentary.We deiced that a large image dominating the page was the best option.The image below is a flat plan temple of the standard elements that make up the double page spread.
We did two other alternative colour changes with this double page spread,using red as a alternative but decided we wanted to keep the same colours throughout are production.
Research Into Other Examples Of TV Listing Magazine Double Page Spreads :
Before we even started planning and constructing are own double page spread we first looked at other examples both from main stream TV listings such as TV now ,TV choice,we also looked at examples of Students Double page spreads.We we found was that the image plays a important part in any example of TV listing,as the image normal makes up the full back ground.
These examples of existing media double page TV listing present the types of styles commonly shown through this style of advertisement.What we wanted to take from these example is the bold Tag line title,strong colour scheme,center image and tag lines used in various places on the page.
Tag lines used :
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